Tuesday 18 February 2014

Successful Olympian Traits

In class we are trying to discuss what kind of people are successful at the Olympics, and in life.  We have 12 character traits that make the kind of person that God can use.  They are:

grit - Keep going even though it's hard.
thankful - Attitude of gratefulness.
faith - Trusting in God (believing without seeing).
self-control - When you stay calm and do the right thing.
social intelligence
love - Showing care for others (like Alex Belideau.)
humble - Not proud or braggy.

I was reading this story from the Olympics.  Is there a trait on this list somewhere in the story?

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1 comment:

  1. are you going to put zest,holines[holiness is God Jessus were you are perfect]optimism[always looking for a good outcome]curiosity[were you are curios] social intelligence,integrity i gave you some
