Monday 3 February 2014

Study Skills

Today we talked about different strategies that are helpful for studying for tests.

The first strategy has 4 parts to it.  First you should read over the study sheet.  Second you get a friend to quiz you.  Third, you circle the questions you got wrong. Finally, you go back and look over the ones you need to learn.

Another study strategy was to read over the study sheet, then close your eyes and see if you can say the information.
Another study method was to write down the important information.
The next strategy is a lot like the previous one.  You can go through your information and highlight the important details.

This strategy is good for when you have to memorize a Bible verse.  All you have to do is to write the verse over and over until you know it perfectly.
To memorize a Bible verse you could also break up the verse and memorize little bits.
A fun way to study is to play games like Bible Baseball.
If you know your stuff really well you could just look it over a few times.
Good luck on your tests everyone!

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