Tuesday 11 February 2014

Skype Interview With an Expert

   Today we skyped with Sarah McFadden.  She works in Alberta in the Rocky Mountains to check up on companies who work in the wilderness. We learned that there are dangers to being alone in the Rockies.  There are cougars, grizzly bears, black bears, moose, wolves, wolverines, You will need to have a first aid kit, extra clothes (because the weather changes quickly), food, things to build a fire with,  and a knife.  She said that there were animals in the Rockies.  We should be prepared!

    There are questions that we still have. We still are wondering why we need a knife. Is there poison ivy?  How long has Sarah been doing that work?

1 comment:

  1. It was fun skyping with Sarah McFadden. I learned a lot
