Monday 24 February 2014

Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs

The introduction paragraph gets people ready for your writing.  It should do 2 things.  It should make people interested in your report.  It should tell people what will be in your report. Here are the sentences that you should have in your introduction paragraph.

  1. An introduction sentence. This says what your topic is and something that makes the reader interested.
  2. What you will say in sub-topic 1.
  3. What you will say in sub-topic 2.
  4. What you will say in sub-topic 3.
  5. What you will say in sub-topic 4.
  6. A conclusion sentence.

The conclusion paragraph reminds people what was in your report.  You should tell the reader what was the most important points.  You can include what you think or feel. A conclusion paragraph can look like this:

  1. Why the person/thing is important to Canada.
  2. Details that show the important thing. 
  3. Details that show the important thing.
  4. A conclusion sentence that says what you think or feel.

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