Monday 24 February 2014

Introduction and Conclusion Paragraphs

The introduction paragraph gets people ready for your writing.  It should do 2 things.  It should make people interested in your report.  It should tell people what will be in your report. Here are the sentences that you should have in your introduction paragraph.

  1. An introduction sentence. This says what your topic is and something that makes the reader interested.
  2. What you will say in sub-topic 1.
  3. What you will say in sub-topic 2.
  4. What you will say in sub-topic 3.
  5. What you will say in sub-topic 4.
  6. A conclusion sentence.

The conclusion paragraph reminds people what was in your report.  You should tell the reader what was the most important points.  You can include what you think or feel. A conclusion paragraph can look like this:

  1. Why the person/thing is important to Canada.
  2. Details that show the important thing. 
  3. Details that show the important thing.
  4. A conclusion sentence that says what you think or feel.

Historica Steps

  1. Pick your topic
  2. Get information - Research
  3. Graphic Organizer - Organizes our thoughts
  4. Write paragraphs about your subtopics.
  5. Add an introduction and conclusion paragraph.
  6. Your paragraphs and your introduction paragraph and your conclusion paragraph are your rough draft. 
  7. Fix up your rough draft.
  8. Type a good draft.
  9. Create a creative component.
  10. Make your board.
  11. Tell the class about it.
  12. Show your project to the school and judges in the gym!
  13. Win Prizes!

Friday 21 February 2014

Math Problem of the Week

2 dollars + 20 pennies = 1 dollar + ? pennies

  1. 100
  2. 120
  3. 200
  4. 220
  5. 80
  6. 240
  7. 150

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Successful Olympian Traits

In class we are trying to discuss what kind of people are successful at the Olympics, and in life.  We have 12 character traits that make the kind of person that God can use.  They are:

grit - Keep going even though it's hard.
thankful - Attitude of gratefulness.
faith - Trusting in God (believing without seeing).
self-control - When you stay calm and do the right thing.
social intelligence
love - Showing care for others (like Alex Belideau.)
humble - Not proud or braggy.

I was reading this story from the Olympics.  Is there a trait on this list somewhere in the story?

Click Here

Thursday 13 February 2014

Historica Lesson - How to write a paragraph.

For Historica we have a graphic organizer.  We used it to make our topic easier to sort out.  We put the main topic in the middle, and we wrote out 4 sub-topics.  With each sub-topic we put, in point form, a few important details.  

Today we talked about how to turn our point form details into a paragraph.  A paragraph has an introduction sentence.  It has some detail sentences, and a conclusion sentence.  A good conclusion sentence can say what we think or feel (about the topic).

We learned about Tim Horton and made a paragraph as a class.

Tim Horton's hockey career
  • started at 5 years old
  • played on 4 teams, TML, Pens, Sabers, NYR
  • He played defence
  • he won 4 stanley cups
  • Gordie Howe called him hockey's strongest man.
  • was an all star 6 times.

Paragraph about Tim Horton's hockey Career

     Tim Horton's hockey career began at age 5.  He played on four different NHL teams, the Leafs, the Penguins, the Sabers, and the Rangers.  He was a defenceman.  He was on a cup winning team four times.  Tim Horton was selected to be an all star six times.  Gordie Howe called him the strongest man in the NHL.  He had a long and successful hockey career over 17 seasons. 

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Skype Interview With an Expert

   Today we skyped with Sarah McFadden.  She works in Alberta in the Rocky Mountains to check up on companies who work in the wilderness. We learned that there are dangers to being alone in the Rockies.  There are cougars, grizzly bears, black bears, moose, wolves, wolverines, You will need to have a first aid kit, extra clothes (because the weather changes quickly), food, things to build a fire with,  and a knife.  She said that there were animals in the Rockies.  We should be prepared!

    There are questions that we still have. We still are wondering why we need a knife. Is there poison ivy?  How long has Sarah been doing that work?

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Math Problem of the Week

A row of 14 townhouses in a city are all identical except for the colour of their doors. They are painted red, blue, green and purple in order from the beginning of the block and then repeated. Which one of the sentences is true?

  1. Both ends of the block have the same colour doors
  2. The 13th house is red
  3. The 5th house is blue
  4. The 8th house is green
  5. The 10th house is purple
Put your answer in the comments.

Monday 3 February 2014

Study Skills

Today we talked about different strategies that are helpful for studying for tests.

The first strategy has 4 parts to it.  First you should read over the study sheet.  Second you get a friend to quiz you.  Third, you circle the questions you got wrong. Finally, you go back and look over the ones you need to learn.

Another study strategy was to read over the study sheet, then close your eyes and see if you can say the information.
Another study method was to write down the important information.
The next strategy is a lot like the previous one.  You can go through your information and highlight the important details.

This strategy is good for when you have to memorize a Bible verse.  All you have to do is to write the verse over and over until you know it perfectly.
To memorize a Bible verse you could also break up the verse and memorize little bits.
A fun way to study is to play games like Bible Baseball.
If you know your stuff really well you could just look it over a few times.
Good luck on your tests everyone!