Monday 18 April 2016

What do Plants Need?

Experiment #1
Question: Do plants really need water to survive?

Method:  Water one plant and do not water another.

Hypothesis:  We think that the plant that did not get water will die.

Experiment #2
Question: Do plants really need air to survive?

Method:  Cover the leaves of the plant with petroleum jelly.

Hypothesis:  We think that the plant with petroleum jelly on it will die.

Experiment #3
Question:  Do plants really need sunlight to survive?

Method:  Put the plant in a box without light.

Hypothesis: We think the plant with no light will die.

Experiment #4
Question:  Do plants need soil to survive?

Method: Cover the roots with oatmeal instead of soil.

Hypothesis: We think the plant in oatmeal will continue to live.

Experiment #5
Question:  Do plants need clean water to survive?

Method: Use dirty dish water, puddle water, and cola to water the plants.

Hypothesis:  Dish Water: We think the dish water will kill the plant
                     Mud Puddle: We don't think the mud puddle water will kill the plant.
                     Cola: Half of the students think that the cola will kill the plant.

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