Thursday 28 April 2016

Things That Make us Worship

These are the things that make us worship God for being a great creator:

  • It is amazing that He created ALL that DNA.
  • The DNA of small things can be longer than the DNA of big things.
  • All the animals are amazing.
  • The plants and people with good roots rise up and give fruit to bless others with.
  • It is amazing that God can create all the animals, people, plants, and cells.  They are all different.
  • He made herbivores and carnivores come to a balance.
  • Humans can't make their own DNA, they can just copy what God has made.
  • It's interesting that God can make plants grow at different speeds.
  • It's mind blowing that the DNA of a tomato would be 3 stories high if it were printed on double-sided paper. 
  • It's interesting how in the food web every animal is connected to every other animal.  
  • It seems impossible that God could make everything because humans have not figured out how everything even works yet. 
  • It's cool how long and complicated orchid DNA is.
  • The plants are interesting!

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