Wednesday 30 November 2016

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The Best Camping Trip Ever

Today in class we read a fictional story about a boy who had his trip to Ipperwash Provincial Park cancelled.  First Nations people were protesting and claiming the land for themselves.

We had a few questions about this situation:

1. Why can't they go in?
2. Why would the First Nations want to stay in that area?
3. How are the First Nations still alive?
4. Why did they ruin our camping trip?
5. Where did the First Nations come from?
6. Why wouldn't the First Nations go somewhere else?
7. Couldn't they come back another day when we're not camping?
8. Why didn't they tell us before now?
9. Why are they standing there?
10. Did they put a landmark there?

This is going to be the driving question as we study the early exploration of Canada.

Why is there conflict between First Nations peoples and Canadians today?

Thursday 3 November 2016

Hard things about moving

Hard things about moving.
  • scary neighbour dogs
  • moving away from friends, especially best friends
  • used to a house
  • not seeing your friends anymore
  • you don't know what's going to happen
  • fights with people because you're the new person
  • leaving good stores

Monday 3 October 2016

Wednesday 28 September 2016

MAP Practice Links

Doing MAP will help us to know where we're at, and help us to progress in our learning.  This is where we can practice.

Click here for math practice.
Click here for reading practice.
Click here for mixed practice.

Monday 26 September 2016

IXL Links

Click Here to go to IXL

You will need to log in with your IXL username, and IXL password.

You can work on fraction skills.  I tried to highlight them.  See below.  You can choose from the highlighted skills.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Pioneer Researching

Go Here to do research on pioneers.

Your work for today is to:

1. Fill in the population chart (pgs 4-5)
2. Research Aboriginal Peoples (pgs 6-7)
3. Research Farming (pgs 7-9)

Thursday 28 April 2016

Things That Make us Worship

These are the things that make us worship God for being a great creator:

  • It is amazing that He created ALL that DNA.
  • The DNA of small things can be longer than the DNA of big things.
  • All the animals are amazing.
  • The plants and people with good roots rise up and give fruit to bless others with.
  • It is amazing that God can create all the animals, people, plants, and cells.  They are all different.
  • He made herbivores and carnivores come to a balance.
  • Humans can't make their own DNA, they can just copy what God has made.
  • It's interesting that God can make plants grow at different speeds.
  • It's mind blowing that the DNA of a tomato would be 3 stories high if it were printed on double-sided paper. 
  • It's interesting how in the food web every animal is connected to every other animal.  
  • It seems impossible that God could make everything because humans have not figured out how everything even works yet. 
  • It's cool how long and complicated orchid DNA is.
  • The plants are interesting!

Computer Class Apr 28

1. Spend 5 - 10 minutes practicing typing at
2. Practice the game for the next Math Contest at
3. Do a learning activity.

Wednesday 20 April 2016

New Go Noodle Character

I have created a survey for you to vote on your favourite of these characters.
Click here to vote.

Monday 18 April 2016

What do Plants Need?

Experiment #1
Question: Do plants really need water to survive?

Method:  Water one plant and do not water another.

Hypothesis:  We think that the plant that did not get water will die.

Experiment #2
Question: Do plants really need air to survive?

Method:  Cover the leaves of the plant with petroleum jelly.

Hypothesis:  We think that the plant with petroleum jelly on it will die.

Experiment #3
Question:  Do plants really need sunlight to survive?

Method:  Put the plant in a box without light.

Hypothesis: We think the plant with no light will die.

Experiment #4
Question:  Do plants need soil to survive?

Method: Cover the roots with oatmeal instead of soil.

Hypothesis: We think the plant in oatmeal will continue to live.

Experiment #5
Question:  Do plants need clean water to survive?

Method: Use dirty dish water, puddle water, and cola to water the plants.

Hypothesis:  Dish Water: We think the dish water will kill the plant
                     Mud Puddle: We don't think the mud puddle water will kill the plant.
                     Cola: Half of the students think that the cola will kill the plant.

Monday 11 April 2016

Parts Of Speech Quest

This is a fun game to learn about the different kinds of words.   You should know these kinds of words:
Nouns: person/place/thing
Verb: action words and being words
adjectives: words that describe a noun
adverbs: words that say how and where a verb happens
conjunctions: words that join thoughts together.

Parts Of Speech Quest

Thursday 31 March 2016

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Bonus Art

Hi Students!

Can you realistically draw an animal of your choice?   I have a website that can help you!  Follow these steps:

  1. Go to the "how to draw" website: Click Here
  2. Choose a real animal to draw
  3. Make a great drawing!

Tuesday 29 March 2016

The Bible Picture Project

This is the link for the folder that has all our pictures...

Click Here

This is the slideshow...

Click Here

Monday 29 February 2016

Join Quizlet

Hi Students,

We are going to use Quizlet for a few grammar assignments.  You will need to join my class.  Click Here and then join.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Two Special Visitors

Today we are having two special visitors.  Here are some clues:

Thursday 21 January 2016

January 21 Computer Class

1. 10 minutes of typing practice.
2. Work on choose your own adventure.
3. Time websites.
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