Wednesday 10 September 2014

Early Exploration of Canada Quiz

Note: The answers are posted in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Was Christopher Columbus the first European to visit the Americas? - No.
    Who was the first European to visit the Americas? - The Vikings
    What did the Vikings call their colony in Canada? - Vineland
    When Columbus met people in America what did he think of them? - That they would make good slaves.
    Why did John Cabot sail to the "New World"? - To find the Northwest Passage
    John Calbot discovered something that made England a lot of money. - Cod fish
    Jacques Cartier did many of these things. - The first three are correct.
    Did Martin Frobisher discover Frobisher bay? - Yes
    Which is true of Henry Hudson? - All of them
    America was named after Amerigo Vespucci. - True
