Thursday 4 June 2015

Move In Run

Today we Skyped Nigel Paul.  He is a mission worker in a poor neighbourhood in Toronto.  He works with an organization called Move In.  They move in to poor neighbourhoods and love those people and tell them about God.

He told us many interesting stories.  He has visited 40 countries all over the world. He once went to a dump in Mexico where thousands of people lived by scavenging the garbage.  After he visited the government bulldozed all of the houses at the dump.  That forced all of the people to live on the streets in the city.

Move in is organizing a prayer journey run.  Participants will raise money for the mission work.  There are runs in many places.  The closest one is in Hamilton on July 11, 2015.  Mr. Lee will be running in it.  Here is the link.

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