Thursday 17 December 2015

Christmas Time Choices

Hi Class,

I will give you some choices today.

1. Scratch
2. IXL to practice math.  (Practicing the measurement would be helpful)
3. Caribou Math Contests
5. Research First Nations

Monday 14 December 2015

Finding Information about Canadian History

Many websites have language that is too hard for grade 3/4.  Here are some websites that may help you.

Your learning goal is to explore these websites.  In the comments say which ones you think will be the most helpful.

Ask Jeeves

ALA Great Website

Awesome Library

Fact Monster

Search Education

Canadian Encyclopedia

Library and Archives Canada

Historica Dominion Institute Canada

Thursday 3 December 2015

Computer Class Dec 10

Hi Students,

1.  Go to, sign in with your google id, practice the first lesson for 15 minutes.

2. Making Words.  Go to the Making Words website.  (Do the activity, and then save your work on your google drive. Bonus: Hand it in on Google Classroom in the assignment called MAKING WORDS.)

Friday 27 November 2015

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Today for bonus, you can do some practice on IXL Math.  Chose something that relates to what we've been doing.  Or you can learn something to teach to a friend.

Math Practice

Compare Numbers

You may also do a practice Caribou contest.


Thursday 29 October 2015

Teacher Conference

Hello Students,

I am very glad that you have a four day weekend while I am here working hard.  I have to study and you get to play.  Here is a picture of me in my boring seminar.

See you on Monday!

Wednesday 14 October 2015


Hello Students!

Welcome to the awesome world of Scratch programming.  This is your chance to make your own computer game.

To go right to the Scratch website, CLICK HERE.

I have made a few games.  I will put links to them below.

Air Hockey
Ball and Paddle
Spider Chase

Explore Scratch. Ask the Grade 5's questions.  Have fun!

Thursday 8 October 2015

October 8 Learning Goal

I can go to Google Classroom.
I can sign up for Scratch.
I can hand in an assignment.

Monday 28 September 2015

Computer Class October 1

Learning Goals:

  • I can log in!
  • I can sign up to a google classroom.  
  • I can learn from internet websites.


1.  Go to Google classroom. <Click Here>.  Use the code I give you to sign into our class.
2. Work on getting your computer licence at Digital Passport. <Click Here>
3. Learn and explore activities on Abcya.  <Click Here>

Monday 21 September 2015

David Decides to Bring the Ark to Jerusalem

Today I told the story of David bringing the ark to Jerusalem. They put the ark on a cart, attached the cart to two oxen, and headed out. Something bad happened on the way.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Getting a Digital Passport

1. Log in to the computer.  Your login name is the first 4 letters of your first name and the first 4 letters of your last name.  (Example: Jullian Resomatoma    username: jullreso) Password is the same from last year.

2. Find Mr. Lee's blog.  (

3. Click on the Digital Passport link. --->

4. Login to Digital Passport.

5. Complete the exercises.

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Saturday 11 July 2015

A Great Year

I just want to thank these 26 fantastic students.  We had quite the adventurous time this year.  Enjoy your summer!

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Lion Witch and Wardrobe Practice

Go here to practice the vocabulary words. Don't get sulky if you miss a question, and please no chattering or sniggering.  It makes me annoyed. I am already feeling melancholy, and besides learning is supposed to be solemn!

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Who is stronger?

We had a little contest to see if a student could pull Mr. Lee. Jacob had a hard time getting Mr. Lee to budge until he began to harness the power of pulleys! Then it was quite easy to move Mr. Lee!

Planning a Mine Contest

Congratulations to CCS Mining Industries on earning 15 million dollars of investment money for their proposed mine!

Thursday 4 June 2015

Move In Run

Today we Skyped Nigel Paul.  He is a mission worker in a poor neighbourhood in Toronto.  He works with an organization called Move In.  They move in to poor neighbourhoods and love those people and tell them about God.

He told us many interesting stories.  He has visited 40 countries all over the world. He once went to a dump in Mexico where thousands of people lived by scavenging the garbage.  After he visited the government bulldozed all of the houses at the dump.  That forced all of the people to live on the streets in the city.

Move in is organizing a prayer journey run.  Participants will raise money for the mission work.  There are runs in many places.  The closest one is in Hamilton on July 11, 2015.  Mr. Lee will be running in it.  Here is the link.

Thursday 28 May 2015

Fun Math Friday

Hooray, Friday is here!

Here is your assignments...

1. Click here to practice long division. This website has music and cheering!

2. Click here for some advanced questions.  You will have to do the rough work in your notebook.

3. When you feel like an expert, you can take a quiz here. 

4. A fun game if you have time: click here

Here's a video I made once!

Wednesday 27 May 2015

Today's Tech Challenge

Dear Students,

I challenge you to create a great stop motion animation using ABCYA animate.

Things to keep in mind.

1. This is a video of someone doing it. <Click Here>
2. Keep your drawings simple! The more details you put into your drawings, the harder it is.
3. Have a simple plot.  Try something like a stick man doing things, or fireworks, or a flower blooming.
4. Have fun and share your animation with your classmates.

Now, click here to begin!

Thursday 7 May 2015

Caribou Math Contest

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Math Contest. Congragulations to our certificate winners too. Everyone did very well.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

French Plays

We are preparing our French plays to present on Friday. We will need props!

Monday 27 April 2015

Learning About Mining

Today we learned about open pit mines and underground mines. We learned about smelters and environmental concerns.

Friday 24 April 2015

Friday Math Fun

Hi Students!  I have some news and instructions.

1. The next Caribou test has a question about Plato the Greek Mathematician and Philosopher.  Read the information about him. <Click Here>
2. The next Caribou test will include the game Skyscrapers.  <Practice Here>
3. Practice measuring angles online! <Go Here>
4. Practice naming triangles here. <Click Here>
5. Try this game! It's interesting! <Click Here>

When you have tried these links, you may do a Math Contest, or practice Math Facts.

Remember that this time is for learning and improving our Math skills.  Choose wisely.

Monday 20 April 2015

Link for Computer Class

1. Make sure you have finished your computer assignments on Google Classroom.

2. Go to "Digital Passport" and begin your studies.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Wednesday 25 March 2015

A Special Visitor

Today we had a special visitor, Brian Cretney. He shared his book LAST IN LINE during chapel. He taught us some cartooning skills too.

Monday 2 March 2015

Wednesday Typing Test

We are going to a little test on the home row keys.  Please follow the instructions.
1. Cover your hands.
2. Use proper typing technique.
3. Go to this link <click here>, and do the test.  Watch out because they do not want you to use the space bar!
4. When you are done, you may retry the test by refreshing the page.
5. When you are satisfied with your result you may have Mr. Lee see the results so he can record them.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Saturday 7 February 2015

Introduction to Poetry

This week we had David from the Bible visit us to teach us about poetry!  Exciting times!

Monday 26 January 2015

Sunday 25 January 2015

Cool Art

Our Art project is to complete a face. Each student has half a face and they need to make a symmetrical head.

Friday 16 January 2015

Gift For the teBrake Family

The teBrakes have a new baby girl! They are also facing some challenges. Many students pray for them each morning, but it's also nice to be able to give this gift!

Some Math Practice

1. Go to this link.
2. Do some practice with rounding and estimating.

P.J. Day

P.J. day was a rousing success! Every student in our class participated, and we had fun reading in the dark.

Thursday 15 January 2015

Robot Hands

Today we made robot hands out of construction paper, straws, elastic bands, and masking tape. Our hands show us how muscles and bones work together to allow us to move.

Congratulations on Math Contest

Congratulations to everyone on the Math contest. As a class we did very well. Six students recieved awards. You showed grit and determination!

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Another Math Contest!

Get ready, get set, solve!

Here are your instructions.  

1. Go to the Caribou page. Click Here
2. Enter your Access Code.
3. Enter your name and answer the other questions.
4. Solve the problems using scrap paper! Don't just guess.
5. Type End in the box to finish.
6. Work on extra Math Page or work on Scratch Programming.