Wednesday 26 November 2014

Our Learning about Canadian History

Our driving question:  Why is there conflict between Canadians and First Nations today?  

Historical Conflicts Between First Nations and European/Canadian People

  • The government put First Nations children in residential schools.
  • Giving flood plains as a reserve (Attawapiskat)
  • They traded alcohol for furs.
  • Jacques Cartier kidnapped some First Nations people.
  • Land treaties were unfair.
  • Europeans brought diseases that killed up to 50% of First Nations people.
  • They claimed / stole First Nations land.
  • They fought with First Nations.
  • Canadians tried to get First Nations to forget their culture.
  • Early explorers raised a flag (and cross) on First Nations land and claimed the land.

How First Nations were treated
  • like garbage when the settlers first came, when they made unfair land treaties. and took advantage of them.
  • very poorly when settlers took land.
  • like children when they made decisions for First Nations
  • in Residential Schools, they were not able to speak their own language.
  • like they were unequal when missionaries tried to convert them to European ways of life.

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