Wednesday 26 November 2014

Our Learning about Canadian History

Our driving question:  Why is there conflict between Canadians and First Nations today?  

Historical Conflicts Between First Nations and European/Canadian People

  • The government put First Nations children in residential schools.
  • Giving flood plains as a reserve (Attawapiskat)
  • They traded alcohol for furs.
  • Jacques Cartier kidnapped some First Nations people.
  • Land treaties were unfair.
  • Europeans brought diseases that killed up to 50% of First Nations people.
  • They claimed / stole First Nations land.
  • They fought with First Nations.
  • Canadians tried to get First Nations to forget their culture.
  • Early explorers raised a flag (and cross) on First Nations land and claimed the land.

How First Nations were treated
  • like garbage when the settlers first came, when they made unfair land treaties. and took advantage of them.
  • very poorly when settlers took land.
  • like children when they made decisions for First Nations
  • in Residential Schools, they were not able to speak their own language.
  • like they were unequal when missionaries tried to convert them to European ways of life.

Monday 24 November 2014

Scratch Programming

We are going to begin to learn how to program (or code).

We will be using Scratch. <click here>

You can watch a demonstration video.  <click here>

Tuesday 11 November 2014

A Visit From Nate Bramsen

Today we had a visit from a "missionary".  I thought that it was great.  I found one story he told written on a blog post.  Click Here to read it!

He asked us to pray for Slalmantu who has not believed on Jesus.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Fall Art

We have a fine group of artists creating colourful Masterpieces!