Thursday 10 April 2014

Math Test Thursday

Good things - Some students were able to do the grade 6 test. - Colby, Sam, Liam, Elijah, Jesse, and other students liked that it took so long so they could read their books. - Extra work could get done. - Keean sat at my desk, and liked the grade 6 Math. - There was a bonus question that was VERY challenging that Tye liked. - Nathan liked that he could study before doing the test. - Kate liked that she had a study sheet with the questions she needed practice on. Madison agreed. - Jacob liked that he could do fractions. - AGV liked the option of doing two different tests. - Elijah thought the test was really easy. - Jesse liked the extra challenge. Things to improve - During the middle some students were too loud. Some people got in trouble. - Jacob would like to try working at his desk. - If students stay put, then they will not be a distraction. - It was tough for some students who needed some help and Mr. Lee was busy.