Thursday 24 April 2014

Designing A Map

1. Go to Google Maps.
2. Search for your area for your survival book.
3. Zoom in to make it a good size.
4. Create a map that shows your location.

Your Map needs:

  • A compass rose
  • A title
  • Colour
  • A Legend
  • All words need to be written horizontally.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Le Canard

Le canard nage bien.
Le canard vole.
Le canard marche.
Le canard creuse.

Le Couguar

Le couguar cours vite.
Le couguar marche.
Le couguar saute bien.
Le couguar grimpe.
Le couguar nage.


L'ecureuil grimpe bien.
L'ecureuil marche.
L'ecureuil saute tres bien.
L'ecureuil creuse.
L'ecureuil cours.

Le lievre

Le lievre saute.
Le lievre cours.
Le lievre creuse.
Le lievre marche.
Le lievre grimpe.

Le mouton

Le mouton marche.
Le mouton cours vite.
Le mouton saute.
Le mouton grimpe.
Le mouton creuse.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Math Test Thursday

Good things - Some students were able to do the grade 6 test. - Colby, Sam, Liam, Elijah, Jesse, and other students liked that it took so long so they could read their books. - Extra work could get done. - Keean sat at my desk, and liked the grade 6 Math. - There was a bonus question that was VERY challenging that Tye liked. - Nathan liked that he could study before doing the test. - Kate liked that she had a study sheet with the questions she needed practice on. Madison agreed. - Jacob liked that he could do fractions. - AGV liked the option of doing two different tests. - Elijah thought the test was really easy. - Jesse liked the extra challenge. Things to improve - During the middle some students were too loud. Some people got in trouble. - Jacob would like to try working at his desk. - If students stay put, then they will not be a distraction. - It was tough for some students who needed some help and Mr. Lee was busy.