Thursday 13 June 2019

Typing Quiz

🎯 I can type home row letters without looking.

<Click here for the quiz.>

Typing Links again

🎯 I can keep my fingers over the home row as I type.
🎯 I can type letters by memory.

Level 1
Stage 1 (Home Row Practice)
Stage 2 (+ i and e)
Stage 3 (+ r and u)
Stage 4 (+ t and y)
Stage 5 (+ w and o)

Stage 6 (+?)

Friday 7 June 2019

Planting one of our Apple Trees

On Thursday we went out and planted one of our baby apple trees.  We found a clearing in wild section to start digging.  The ground was very hard to dig up and the dirt was like clay.  There was too much long, wet grass on top of the dirt at first so we had to pull it out.  There were really pretty orange flowers where we decided to plant our apple tree.  We put a cut out plastic container around where we planted our tree so no one will step on it.  We will have to choose people to water it every day.  Now we will get to watch our apple tree grow.

Reporting By: Ellie and Reese.  Typed By: Miss Rachael

Friday Math Bonus

First, go to ixl to practice counting until you can't do more. <click here>

Then play this video game.  <click here>

Or this video game. <click here>

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Constructing Our Garden

Yesterday we started digging and planting the plants in our garden.  We did allot of digging, shovelling,  planting, and watering, it was very of fun. We had allot of pretty plants to put in our garden.  Allot of people had shovels and buckets.  I liked seeing all the people work together.  When we were done planting all the flowers we put mulch on top which we got using a wheelbarrow.  We also used the wheelbarrow to get stones for a path around our garden so people won't walk on our garden just around it.  Our garden is very beautiful now and lots of people will enjoy it.

Reporting By: Liam and Miriam.  Typed By: Miss Rachael

Monday 3 June 2019

Starting Our Garden

When we were digging, we found out that the dirt was too clumpy.  It was very hard to shovel and thick like clay.  The soil we brought in the bags was softer than the dirt we were digging up.  To help dig up the soil in the ground we could maybe use a rotary tiller.  We didn't know how to get the mulch to our garden, but then someone came up with the idea to use a wheelbarrow.

Reporting by Morgan and Quinten. Typed by Miss Rachel

Thursday 30 May 2019

The Green Teeth Alien Mystery

Summary of Act 1

The Coral Cove Elementary School is being sold to Mr. and Mrs. Moneybags. But there is an alien that is haunting one of the classrooms.  One of the characters is pretending to be the green toothed alien.  Who is it? Why would they do that? Leave your predictions in the comment section.


  • Mr. and Mrs. Moneybags
  • Librarian
  • Teacher
  • Police Officer
  • Mail Carrier
  • Farmer
  • Baker
  • Dentist
  • Gardener
  • Plumber
  • Fire Fighter
  • Trash Collectors
  • Reporter
  • Vet
  • Janitor
  • Detective A and B
  • The sounds came from the iPad
  • The alien was waving its arms
  • There were seeds on the floor
  • Mr. and Mrs. Moneybags didn’t pay for their room at the inn.
  • There is a report of treasure in the classroom.


  • Mr. and Mrs. Moneybags
  • Librarian
  • Teacher
  • Police Officer
  • Mail Carrier
  • Farmer
  • Baker
  • Gardener

            Friday 24 May 2019

            Bonus Math

            Do this until you use up your daily questions.  <Click Here>
            Then go to and do numbers. <Click Here>

            Thursday 25 April 2019

            Typing Links

            🎯 I can keep my fingers over the home row as I type.
            🎯 I can type letters by memory.

            Level 1
            Stage 1 (Home Row Practice)
            Stage 2 (+ i and e)
            Stage 3 (+ r and u)
            Stage 4 (+ t and y)
            Stage 5 (+ w and o)
            Stage 6 (+?)

            Friday 12 April 2019

            Typing letters

            To type your letter, you don't need to write the "Dear .." part.  You won't need the "sincerely, ____" either.  You will just need to type the sentences into a google form.  The computer will make the letter that we can glue onto the postcard.


            Tuesday 8 January 2019

            A Postcard From Yellowknife, NT

            We got a post card.

            We thought some things were interesting:

            • You can dog sled there and you can drive on the river when its frozen.
            • You can see the northern lights from there.

            We have some questions:

            • Can we go there?
            • How would we get there?
            • How do you speak Dogrib?