Friday 12 October 2018

Questions we have about garbage and recycling

  • Why do we need to recycle?
  • Where does all of the Lunch Lady stuff go? Could we get a poster?
  • Would it be a good idea if we had a compost bin in class? Could we put it in a cupboard?
  • Can the school have their own compost bin?

Friday 5 October 2018

I can use exciting action words in my writing.

Here is writing about this picture.

I raked all the leaves in my back yard. I climbed on the trampoline and jumped in the pile of leaves. The leaves exploded everywhere. It was awesome. I did it again!

Today I jumped off of my house and did a back flip in the pile. I broke my ankle.

Reese jumped in the leaves. She got hurt. She needed her mom.

A week ago Ellie raked the leaves in a pile in her backyard. Then she jumped on the trampoline. She fell on her back and she had fun.
- Mikayla

Today Reese got our a rake. She made a pile and then jumped in it. Then she did it again.
- Emery

A week ago Mikayla raked the leaves into a pile in her backyard. Then Mikayla jumped into the leaves in her backyard.
- Ellie

I jumped into the leaves. I bellyflopped. The leaves exploded!
- Reed

Dean and Brynn jumped off of the trampoline into the colourful leaves.
- Dean

I am going to rake some leaves. "Hey, do you want to dive into my pile?"
"Sure. I'd love to dive into a pile of leaves. They're so colourful leaves. I love colourful things."
- Morgan

I raked a pile of leaves. I leaped into the pile of leaves. They exploded. They were colourful. The colours were red, orange, yellow, brown.
- Megan

Today is cold. Last fall me and my sister jumped into the leaves.
- Hailey

Today is cold. We need a coat today.
- Abiel

I can go on my cousins trampoline and I can jump high. I bounced in the air.
- Jacob

Connor bellyflopped into the pile of stinky grass off of the chimney. The grass was very stinky. My dad cut the grass.
- Connor