Thursday 27 December 2018

Dance Mat Typing

🎯 I can keep my fingers over the home row as I type.
🎯 I can type letters by memory.

Level 1
Stage 1 (Home Row Practice)
Stage 2 (+ i and e)
Stage 3 (+ r and u)
Stage 4 (+ t and y)
Stage 5 (+ w and o)

Thursday 20 December 2018

Finding out information about Milton

Our question: What school in Milton is named after an astronaut?


  • Ask Siri
  • Look it up on google
  • Ask an expert (someone who knows about Milton)
  • Look up a youtube video about Milton
  • Download a game that is about Milton
  • Think of all the astronaut names or look up names of Canadian astronauts.
  • Ask mom or dad
  • Look at a map of Milton
First we tried asking Siri. Siri gave us some websites to look up. We found a website about school naming history. Then, we found a school named after a high school teacher. We didn't find the astronaut. There were too many schools to read through.

Next, we went on google maps. We searched "Milton". Then, we searched for "schools in Milton". We found a list of schools. Then we looked at the list to see which we should look at. 

The first school wasn't named after an astronaut. After that, we found a different one that was named after an astronaut. It was called the Chris Hadfield Public School. 

We used satellite pictures to see their building, yard, and the whole neighbourhood. We also discovered that there are a lot of fields outside of Milton.

Next, we still have to contact the school to see if A. is in grade 6 there.

A Great Idea

It would be a great idea if Mr. Lee would make a typing game.  The levels will match what students are learning in class. What do you think?

Thursday 29 November 2018

Readers Theatre

Things we liked about Readers Theatre

  • People were reading loudly so the audience could hear
  • We liked that we could be in the plays
  • Students were sitting well when they presented
  • Students were quiet when they were in the audience
  • It was great that we could have people come over to see them

What we could do to make it better next time

  • We could be louder next time
  • We could keep our books down, and still
  • We could stand and use Drama BLOCKING
  • We could have even more expression

Thursday 8 November 2018

We Got Mail!

We got a post card from a school. It was from the grade 3 class at Mount Pleasant Village Public School in Brampton. We do not know what some words mean. We have questions about what we read.

  • The author did not put their name. Who wrote it?
  • Can we go to their ice rink in Brampton?
  • What is a GO station?
  • What is a suburban community?

Friday 12 October 2018

Questions we have about garbage and recycling

  • Why do we need to recycle?
  • Where does all of the Lunch Lady stuff go? Could we get a poster?
  • Would it be a good idea if we had a compost bin in class? Could we put it in a cupboard?
  • Can the school have their own compost bin?

Friday 5 October 2018

I can use exciting action words in my writing.

Here is writing about this picture.

I raked all the leaves in my back yard. I climbed on the trampoline and jumped in the pile of leaves. The leaves exploded everywhere. It was awesome. I did it again!

Today I jumped off of my house and did a back flip in the pile. I broke my ankle.

Reese jumped in the leaves. She got hurt. She needed her mom.

A week ago Ellie raked the leaves in a pile in her backyard. Then she jumped on the trampoline. She fell on her back and she had fun.
- Mikayla

Today Reese got our a rake. She made a pile and then jumped in it. Then she did it again.
- Emery

A week ago Mikayla raked the leaves into a pile in her backyard. Then Mikayla jumped into the leaves in her backyard.
- Ellie

I jumped into the leaves. I bellyflopped. The leaves exploded!
- Reed

Dean and Brynn jumped off of the trampoline into the colourful leaves.
- Dean

I am going to rake some leaves. "Hey, do you want to dive into my pile?"
"Sure. I'd love to dive into a pile of leaves. They're so colourful leaves. I love colourful things."
- Morgan

I raked a pile of leaves. I leaped into the pile of leaves. They exploded. They were colourful. The colours were red, orange, yellow, brown.
- Megan

Today is cold. Last fall me and my sister jumped into the leaves.
- Hailey

Today is cold. We need a coat today.
- Abiel

I can go on my cousins trampoline and I can jump high. I bounced in the air.
- Jacob

Connor bellyflopped into the pile of stinky grass off of the chimney. The grass was very stinky. My dad cut the grass.
- Connor

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Wednesday 6 June 2018

Computer Class June 6

We have been learning about wheels and axles.
Wheels and axles are helpful because they don't make much friction.
Friction slows down our vehicles.

In this game below, see if you can avoid friction so you can speed quickly.


Wednesday 2 May 2018

Subtraction Learning Targets

🎯I can count up to subtract.
🎯I can subtract using 10's and 1's blocks. (Bonus: Grade 3 students can use 100's blocks.)

Try this game:


Or, try this:


or this...


Tuesday 24 April 2018

Computers With Mrs. Zwiers

Hi Students!

🎯I can type my 2 favourite silly sentences into Mr. Lee’s google form.

Your job is to type your silly sentences onto the computer so that we can post them on the back wall.  Follow the directions on the google form and make sure you are still using capitals, periods and spelling your rhyming words properly.

2. When you are done, you can choose a learning activity at one of the websites below.


Wednesday 21 March 2018

Computers Typing Practice

🎯I can keep my hands on the home row and use the proper fingers to type home row letters!

Dance Mat Typing

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7

Typing Rocket Game - Try to get 60 points or more.

Wednesday 21 February 2018