Thursday 21 December 2017

Animal Sales Pitch

I have created a set of links for the animal sales pitches.  Click Here.  Then in present mode, you will be able to click on a name and get redirected to a youtube video.
Mr. Lee

Wednesday 8 November 2017

Weather Reporting

Learning Targets:

🎯 I can use interesting words in my writing.
🎯 I can describe what it looks like.
🎯 I can describe what it feels like.

We are becoming experts at writing.  So far we have added three attributes to our writing.  Here is an example of the great writing that we are doing in class.

Wednesday 1 November 2017

Mother Bruce

In class we read the story Mother Goose Bruce.  All good stories have a problem.  The problem in this book is that Bruce was a lonely grump. He didn’t like the geese following him.  The solution was that he ended up with family that he loves.

Thursday 19 October 2017

Animal Electronic Books

Typing Helpers,

Buddies, please help us get our descriptions typed onto a google slide show!
1. Find the slide for your buddy.

2. Type their report as they tell you.  Remember that you are helping them to show their work. You are not writing their report for them!

3. Please only work on the slide that is yours.  You are sharing this electronic book.

Click Here to go to the electronic book.

Thursday 22 June 2017

Monster Stories

This has been a wonderful year!  Our last writing assignment was to write monster stories. <click here>

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Trees At School

We noticed that we do not have a lot of shade at school. Why is that?  We guessed that:
  • It is expensive to plant trees
  • There isn't space for trees
  • The students broke the trees
  • The trees keep dying
  • The school leaders didn't want them
  • The school leaders are too lazy or too busy
  • The school leaders cut them down
  • It would be too much work to take care of them
What evidence is there for each of those guesses?

Thursday 8 June 2017

Outdoor Learning

     You can learn outside.  You can get more work done. You can have fresh air outside. You can get up and move around. Also, you can enjoy God's creation.

     We found some problems with learning outside. Sometimes people fool around. The wind blows papers when we try to use them.  Sometimes the sun is too bright.

     When we went to the forest it was great. We felt adventurous, free, calm, happy, relaxed, and safe. 

Wednesday 31 May 2017

Learning New Words

Quizlet is a neat website that we can use to help us practice spelling words. Click the link below to get to a practice list.

Nifty Thrifty Fifty

Word Wall Words