Wednesday 30 November 2016

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The Best Camping Trip Ever

Today in class we read a fictional story about a boy who had his trip to Ipperwash Provincial Park cancelled.  First Nations people were protesting and claiming the land for themselves.

We had a few questions about this situation:

1. Why can't they go in?
2. Why would the First Nations want to stay in that area?
3. How are the First Nations still alive?
4. Why did they ruin our camping trip?
5. Where did the First Nations come from?
6. Why wouldn't the First Nations go somewhere else?
7. Couldn't they come back another day when we're not camping?
8. Why didn't they tell us before now?
9. Why are they standing there?
10. Did they put a landmark there?

This is going to be the driving question as we study the early exploration of Canada.

Why is there conflict between First Nations peoples and Canadians today?

Thursday 3 November 2016

Hard things about moving

Hard things about moving.
  • scary neighbour dogs
  • moving away from friends, especially best friends
  • used to a house
  • not seeing your friends anymore
  • you don't know what's going to happen
  • fights with people because you're the new person
  • leaving good stores