Thursday 17 December 2015

Christmas Time Choices

Hi Class,

I will give you some choices today.

1. Scratch
2. IXL to practice math.  (Practicing the measurement would be helpful)
3. Caribou Math Contests
5. Research First Nations

Monday 14 December 2015

Finding Information about Canadian History

Many websites have language that is too hard for grade 3/4.  Here are some websites that may help you.

Your learning goal is to explore these websites.  In the comments say which ones you think will be the most helpful.

Ask Jeeves

ALA Great Website

Awesome Library

Fact Monster

Search Education

Canadian Encyclopedia

Library and Archives Canada

Historica Dominion Institute Canada

Thursday 3 December 2015

Computer Class Dec 10

Hi Students,

1.  Go to, sign in with your google id, practice the first lesson for 15 minutes.

2. Making Words.  Go to the Making Words website.  (Do the activity, and then save your work on your google drive. Bonus: Hand it in on Google Classroom in the assignment called MAKING WORDS.)