Thursday 29 October 2015

Teacher Conference

Hello Students,

I am very glad that you have a four day weekend while I am here working hard.  I have to study and you get to play.  Here is a picture of me in my boring seminar.

See you on Monday!

Wednesday 14 October 2015


Hello Students!

Welcome to the awesome world of Scratch programming.  This is your chance to make your own computer game.

To go right to the Scratch website, CLICK HERE.

I have made a few games.  I will put links to them below.

Air Hockey
Ball and Paddle
Spider Chase

Explore Scratch. Ask the Grade 5's questions.  Have fun!

Thursday 8 October 2015

October 8 Learning Goal

I can go to Google Classroom.
I can sign up for Scratch.
I can hand in an assignment.