Monday 27 April 2015

Learning About Mining

Today we learned about open pit mines and underground mines. We learned about smelters and environmental concerns.

Friday 24 April 2015

Friday Math Fun

Hi Students!  I have some news and instructions.

1. The next Caribou test has a question about Plato the Greek Mathematician and Philosopher.  Read the information about him. <Click Here>
2. The next Caribou test will include the game Skyscrapers.  <Practice Here>
3. Practice measuring angles online! <Go Here>
4. Practice naming triangles here. <Click Here>
5. Try this game! It's interesting! <Click Here>

When you have tried these links, you may do a Math Contest, or practice Math Facts.

Remember that this time is for learning and improving our Math skills.  Choose wisely.

Monday 20 April 2015

Link for Computer Class

1. Make sure you have finished your computer assignments on Google Classroom.

2. Go to "Digital Passport" and begin your studies.

Saturday 11 April 2015