Friday 6 June 2014

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Computer Assignment

Your job is to use Open Office Impress to share things about yourself.

1. You need to make 3 slides.
2. Your slides need to have a picture and some words.
3. To get an A+ you need to have some animations.

Possible Slide Topics:

- My favourite animal
- My favourite sport
- The best book I read this year
- The worst book I read this year
- Something we did in class that was great
- Something that we did in class that I didn't like
- Your choice...

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Accelerated Reader Team Challenge

There is a program called Accelerated Reader.  When a student reads a book, they can take a quiz on that book.  Accelerated Reader keeps track of your progress and gives you points for the books that you read.

Our class has been divided up into 5 teams.  Each month we have a competition to earn points and get correct answers.  

The winning team for May was Team Sweeden.  (Other winners were team Russia, and team USA.) Way to go!