Wednesday 26 March 2014

How to survive in the Wilderness

Things to eat - raspberries - turtle eggs - gut cherries (not great) Fire - Use flint to make sparks - Use to keep warm - Use to keep mosquitoes away - It was like a friend - Use as a signal fire

Thursday 20 March 2014

Inferring and Writing

      Monique is sad because she lost Ginger.  She cried all night and never slept.  She was planning a funeral for Ginger in her bed.  The next day I gave her a card that said:

      "I'm sorry for your loss of Ginger.  I hope you're okay because I am sad too.  From Taylor."

I saw Monique at school eating her lunch and crying and crying and sobbing.
      I said, "I will comfort you if you are sad.  That is what friends are for."
      "Ya I guess,"said Monique. 

Inferring and Writing


"Hi my name is Jimmy.  I have two false legs!" said Jimmy.
      Jimmy (Jim for short) had no legs when he was born, so he had to get two false legs.  Jim is the fastest in his class and he can run as fast as a race car!  He always runs races and usually wins.  He raises funds for hospitals so that if anyone needs a false leg, they can get it free!  But there is a down side; lots of the older kids make fun of him.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Historica Display Boards

Do you want ideas for how to display your history fair project?  Click Here.

What to do first?

The boy in Hatchet thought that he had to do something.  What should he do first?

  • try rubbing rocks to make fire
  • try to chop down a tree
  • try to make a shelter
  • try to find food
  • try to make a shelter with branches
  • try to make a shelter in the trees
  • try to make a hunting blind
  • make an "H" on the beach, or "SOS"
  • try to make a floating shelter
  • try to cut down trees in the shape of SOS
  • try to make three piles of anything
Two groups decided that food would be the best thing to find now.  One group decided that shelter would be the best thing to find.

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Math Problem of the Week

I need 12 pieces of fruit to make 3 glasses of juice. How many pieces of fruit do I need to make 10 glasses of juice?

  1. 30
  2. 36
  3. 40
  4. 120
  5. 60
  6. 37
  7. 48

Monday 17 March 2014

How Can We Work Better in Class?

  • Use self control to keep working
  • Try to ignore other people if they are off topic
  • Try to be as quiet as you can
  • Try to not be the one distracting others
  • Try to be a good influence
  • Think of how you are avoiding homework by working now
If you have more tips, leave them in the comments below.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

BOB Spreadsheet