Friday 29 November 2013

Great Group Behaviour

We have been thinking about community building this month.  Today we discussed what good team members do in groups.  This is what we thought...

Great Group Behavior

  • Take turns talking
  • Listen to each other
  • Help each other
  • Stand or sit close to one another
  • Cooperation
  • Make sure you have your stuff
  • Make sure you pay attention
  • Make sure you are encouraging (not negative)

What We Liked and Learned This Week

This week we liked... 
Learning about Volleyball.
Reading my book.
doing Art.
doing Drama.
learning Bible.
Reader's Theatre plays.
doing a Science experiment.
Mr. Lee

Problem of the Week

Can you solve this problem? Try it and leave your answer as a comment! The length of a minivan is 5m. The house is a rectangle six minivans long and four minivans wide. a) What are the lengths of the sides of the house? b) What is the perimeter of the house?

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Being Active in Class

Before Math, we like to get moving.  It helps us to get oxygen to our brains so we can concentrate.  Sometimes we watch this video.  The teacher in the video has the best smile. Click on this blog post to see the video.

Thursday 14 November 2013

Sound, Sound Everywhere

Today we thought about sounds.  We watched a video that shows how sounds are created for movies.

To see the video click here.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Mexico - Show What You Know

Mexico - Show What You Know!

 You have learned lots of things about Mexico this year. I want to give you a chance to show what they know. I will give you three options to show your knowledge.

Austin's Butterfly

Today we talked about a true story of Austin who had to paint a butterfly for school.


Don't give up if you think it is bad.  Keep trying.
Specific Feedback helps. That's the kind of feedback that helps you make your work better.
We can have better work if we make more than one draft.

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Monday Message Nov 4

I hope you had a great weekend.  
Bible: Our memory verse is Romans 5:6.  We are studying Gideon.  I hope to make a connection between the two topics.  I am handing back the memory quiz from last week today (Monday).  
Music: Practice Songs 15, 16, 18.  Students should practice a half hour per week at home. 
Spelling: Lesson 10. WW 1-7, WP 1-4, CW 1.
Math: We are learning to reduce fractions this week!  The students have been doing very well.
Language: We are focusing on the strategy of visualizing when we read.